Donate to AREF

Pursuing the Andrews Way

Dr. James R. Andrews is a world-renowned orthopedic surgeon who has dedicated his career to advancing the fields of sports medicine and orthopaedic surgery through the unique combination of clinical practice, research, and education. His vision to see the value in this comprehensive approach has led to superior patient outcomes using the latest research findings and innovations, while also training the next generation of physicians and researchers. To maintain its position as a center of excellence, Dr. James R. Andrews holds the expectation that all doctors located at the Andrews campus actively participate in research and education, two fundamental components of medical advancement.

The Andrews campus, located in Gulf Breeze, Florida, houses Andrews Research & Education Foundation, the cornerstone of Dr. Andrews’ unique approach.  Without the Foundation, the Andrews campus would not be able to achieve its full potential. At the Foundation, we work to provide access to the following:

  • Research – essential for identifying new treatments and surgical techniques, developing evidence-based practices, improving patient outcomes, and expanding our understanding of the underlying causes of injuries and conditions. 
  • Education – essential for ensuring that healthcare professionals and the community at-large are equipped with the latest knowledge and skills, and for promoting the adoption of best practices in patient care and prevention of injuries. 
  • Clinical practice  enhanced from research & education by the development of new treatments, improvement of patient safety, personalization of care, advancement of clinical guidelines and by fostering innovative solutions to clinical challenges.

By supporting the foundation, you are contributing to the development of new knowledge and training opportunities for physicians, healthcare professionals, and students who seek to improve the health and well-being of individuals who suffer from musculoskeletal injuries and conditions. Your support can help make a meaningful difference in the lives of countless patients and their families.


At AREF, we are dedicated to creating meaningful and lasting change in our community. We want to take a moment to share our commitment to transparency and responsible resource management. When you donate to AREF, a portion of your generous contribution goes towards covering essential administrative costs that enable us to operate efficiently and effectively.

We understand the importance of utilizing your donation wisely, ensuring that the maximum possible impact is directed towards our core programs and initiatives. While we strive to minimize administrative expenses, they are nonetheless vital for the day-to-day functioning of our organization. These costs encompass critical areas such as staff salaries, office space, technology infrastructure, and other operational necessities.

By allocating a portion of donations to administrative expenses, we are ensuring the sustainability of our operations and allowing more of your contribution to directly support the projects and initiatives that drive positive change. Our commitment to transparency means that we openly communicate how your donation is distributed, providing you with the assurance that your generosity is being put to good use.

We thank you for your continued support and belief in our mission. Together, we are making a tangible impact, and your partnership is a crucial part of our success. If you have any questions or would like further details about our financial practices, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Your trust is of utmost importance to us.  

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